Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lotions and Potions

To save people the hassle I usually point out my beauty cock ups and last week was no exception. My patchy hands and feet were hard to miss and came up in many conversations.

For days I battled to scrub it off but it wasn't until day 8 that I was back to my milk bottle best.

Scrub a dub dub, me in my tub. In the end it took a 15 minute shower, a fairly rough loofah and practically a bottle of shower gel to get rid of the disaster wedding tan. As I was at it I decided I might as well do a facial scrub. Good job I wasn't going anywhere afterwards because between the heat of the shower and all the scrubbing I was a little bit red, and not in the 'doesn't she have a lovely glow about her' way. At that stage I was considering renaming myself Beatrice Beetroot.

Speaking of redness the sun finally decided to make an appearance and that meant plenty of burnt people around, including me! Oh yes I made sure my goddaughter had cream on before taking her to the park but completely forgot that I'm Irish and likely to go red at the mere mention of the word sun. Lucikly I wasn't too bad, unlike some tomoatoes going around the place, and I've been trying to squeeze as much sun in as possible at lunch time and in the evenings. I've also deluded myself in to thinking that I might get a base for holidays which at this point is 4 weeks away but still highly unlikley.

On the hottest day of the year I had to take a trip to the beautician. It's bikni season ...... in some countries ....... and I like to make sure my bikni line is well, in line. In theory it should be embarrassing, uncomfortable at the least but at this stage I'm buddies with the beautician so it's just a case of getting on with it. None the less that freshly waxed feeling is not to be relished on a warm day. The moisturiser had To be layered on!
This week I've welcomed some newbies into my collection of lotions and potions. As mentioned holidays is on the way and there's one bumpy issue I don't want to have to worry about when exposing my pins, CELLULITE. Dimples are only cute on babies and not all over the backs of my legs. Anew Clinical laser shape cellulite treatment promises to act like laser and liposuction would. Apparently in 4 weeks I'll notice a difference so I'll be slapping it on every night, drinking lots of water and hoping it disappears.

Eye felt it was finally time to get an eye cream, prevention is better than cure and all that jazz. It's Anew clinical eye lift and is made up of an upper eye gel and under eye cream. The gels a little sticky but can't say that I've noticed any major difference yet but here's hoping.

Maybe some good old fashion beauty sleep will do the trick zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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