Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Skin Saviour

Well well can you believe it, we've actually had more than a day of summer and it doesn't look like the sunshine is gone yet. For many that's meant flashing the flesh, and if you've been spared the sight of some moobs it's generally good news.

We're not timid when it comes to embracing the sun. Vest tops and short shorts are the new uniform, and that's just the men. The lack of clothes and eagerness to soak up the rays has left many with a red tinge, tut tut. So I don't want to harp on about 'protection' but Baz had a point: If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

Beyond the burn there is a thing called a tan, be it farmers, dirty or golden we'll take what we can get. When you're not faking it a bit like a lot of things (ladies, wink wink, nudge nudge) there's nothing better than the real thing. You'll feel better, look better and you'll literally be glowing. But getting and keeping a colour is the next challenge.

A bit like fake tan there's nothing more important than the basics, exfoliation and moisturising. So after you rid yourself of all those nasty dead skin cells you want to keep what's left in tip top shape. If you're a lucky duck and can throw on any kind of body lotion you're sorted but if like me you've spent more moula than you'd like to think trying to find the right potion than it can be more of a challenge.

Fortunately with body lotion you can selfishly ask the question 'what can you do for me?' My main concern is, can you moisturise my dried out skin and after that smell, absorption, effectiveness and price.

Generally fragranced body moisturisers don't do it for me. Between deodorant, perfume and what ever other chemicals I lump onto to my body it's one whiff I like to eliminate. I also have an issue with products that are too rich or too light (I swear I am no relation to Goldilocks). Too rich and they don't absorb, leave me feeling sticky, I have to wait ages to dress and then more of it soaks into my clothes than skin. Too light and my skin's like a dehydrated prune.

The most recent ones I've tried are:

Soap and Glory's The Righteous Butter - smells nice, you may want to eat yourself, but it can be over powering. It also was a little to rich for my skin and even left me with clogged pores.

Clairns Mositure Rich Body Lotion - its' lightly scented but I should have known better from the rich part, my skin just couldn't soak it up. Plus I#m not 'rich' enough to be buying it reguralry.

Dove Essential Nourishment - the best way I can describe this is grand. It does the job but not amazingly.

... But the winner is:

Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion - It claims to moisturise skin for 24 hours and it does. It promises to improve skin condition in 2 weeks and it's does that too. It says your skin will fell soft, smooth and healthy and you guessed it, it was telling the truth. It's got Collodial Oatmeal in it which means very little to me only that it works. On top of that it's fragrance free and absorbs quickly. Price wise it's generally around over the €7 but if you're clever about it stock up when it's on offer, which it very often is. Most chemists and supermarkets stock it so it's handy enough to get.

So don't forget soak up the sun, your mosituriser  ...... and your your sunscreen!

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