Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beach Beauty

I would love to say that my extended break away from beauty blogging has been because I've been so busy trying out new treatments and products, but sadly not. The part of my brain that's responsible for writing this I must have left on the lush beaches of Praia da Rocha. Thankfully it's now back and raring to go.

It has brought with it a unique insight in to how to be beach beautiful. The simple answer is spend more time at the beach, preferably somewhere with a sunny climate. I discovered a number of truths while lazing on my lounger:

1. Spending time in the sun will eventually lead to a tan. If you're Irish pale like me it takes a little longer and a relatively high factor is essential. This means you can ditch the fake tan and don't need to go through the tiresome; exfoliate, apply, tear your hair out process that comes with faking it.

2. Putting on suncream throughout the day means that you end up with super soft skin, you will not be able to stop rubbing yourself, maybe I'm on my own on that one. On top of that you have the after sun , preferably with Aloe Vera. A baby's bum will have nothing on your epidermis.

3. Just when you thought your skin couldn't get any better it can. Spending your days at the beach means that you get a daily exfoliation. All that sand scrubs away old dead skin cells meaning you're left glowing and get a more even tan.

4. Your feet will think they've died and gone to heaven, everyday is like getting a mini pedicure. (Provided the sand isn't too hot, cause then you'll get welts!) Walking at the waters edge will have them looking as good as new in no time. It does tend to wear off your toe nail polish though.

5. Trekking up and down the beach from the apartment will tone up your legs. Add in splashing in the water a few times a day and walking the beach to alleviate the boredom and you will have your beach bod in top shape in no time.

There are some down sides.

1. Sun damage. It seems everyone gets a burn day - so always wear a high enough factor and reapply regularly. Not only are there the obvious affects of burning the redness and tenderness but it also does long term irreparable damage. Not good for those of us hoping to defy aging. Elizabeth Arden's 8 hour cream is good for small patches of burn.

2. Pigmentation - this year I opted for a really high factor on my face - the paleness can be hidden with bronzer but it's hard to fill in wrinkles. To my shock I developed dark pigmentation underneath my left eye and on the bridge of my nose. I'd hoped for a cute freckles but what I got looked more like a black eye. I wasn't long covering my face completely after that - and what's worse there was no hiding it with make up - it seemed to make it look worse.

3. Regrowth-If you head away for longer then a week then it's a good idea to pack your tweezers. Despite all the pre-holiday waxing there's always a few that make an unwelcome appearance. Might be one to do in the bathroom or on your own ladies cause it ain't exactly an attractive sight.

4. Runny Make-Up - Sometimes with the heat you're wasting your time with foundation - you're better off with concealer and powder. No one knows you anyone so why not give your pores a break.

5. Faded and Dried Out Hair - Always be prepared when it comes to your locks. A UV/ Chlorine/ Sea Water protector spray is always a good idea. It saves your colour and keeps it in tip top condition. As a blonde I had the protector on and kept it covered so my hair didn't go snow white. I also used having it back in a pony tail during the day as an excuse to put in regular treatments.

Since getting home I enjoyed a week without foundation - but wasn't brave enough to go bare faced so touched up my complexion with powder, concealer and one of my new best friends Benetint.

I also enjoyed having a natural tan so much that I shamefully bought myself some sunbed minutes. The guilt from doing this and now admitting it in writing is almost enough to make me want to stop. Almost.

I've also been enjoying my duty free purchases but that's another blog for another day!

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