Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hairdly Notice

I had to get to the root of a common problem this week, regrowth. As much as I'd like to think I'm a natural blonde my roots tell another story. I'm a mesh girl which means endless hours sitting talking about the weather and what you're doing for the weekend. It also means that I have different tones going through my blonde and that the regrowth is bearable, for at least a few weeks anyway.

Going to get highlights done is an endurance test and isn't for the faint hearted particularly if you're getting a full head done. Fortunately this time I got away with half a head. Also as luck would have it, two girls worked on doing my highlights, which meant I was done even faster again.

My hair was heading for white recently so I decided to add a second tone to my colour - it's very subtle, and considering my hair is so thin it would pass for paper I've been enjoying how it makes it look a little thicker. It wasn't a decision I took lightly, not that it mattered because on one seemed to notice anyway.

If I can get out of the hairdressers without getting my hair cut I consider it a victory. Usually I give in about every 14 weeks and get it trimmed, it's supposed to encourage growth and all that but my hair just doesn't want to grow. That doesn't mean I escape roots though, oh no my hair just breaks off at the end instead. I figured it was the mousse I was using so I scrapped that. When that didn't make a difference I figured it was because of the dye weakening the hair. I've gotten clever though and am winning that fight.

My best investment in my quest for long hair has been Bed Head, Dumb Blonde Reconstructor (it can be used on any coloured hair.) Leave it in damp hair for 10 to 15 mins once a week and after the first go you'll notice the difference. It's packed with protein which is the number one essential for healthy hair and it smells of pineapples so you will want to eat your hair if nothing else. My split ends are minimal now, my hair feels and looks silky and the best part is the hairdresser is no longer giving that disapproving look when I answer, 'no,' to the dreaded question -'are we cutting today?'

I have a second secret weapon in the form of leave in conditioner. Again it's Bed Head and it's called Superstar Volumizing leave-in conditioner. This one smells of strawberries and if your hair is a little limp like mine it will give it a much needed boost. Don't go over board on it or it may leave your hair looking a little greasy.

The great thing about getting your colour done is that you get your hair blow-dried at the end of it. The hairdresser always manages to do it in such a way that no matter how hard you try you just can't replicate it. I've made a new discovery of how to get that bit longer out of your blow dry - Batiste dry shampoo. All the festival veterans will already know the virtues of the dry shampoo but I've been left gobsmacked by how good it is. Not only does your hair look washed after using it, it also gives it volume and smells great. Batiste has been around for 30 years so they know what they're doing. Plus there's a variety in the range and they even do miniatures!

......With all the blonde talk I'll leave you with this.

Question: If a blonde and brunette fell off a building, who would hit the ground first?


Answer: The brunette - the blonde would have to stop for directions!

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