Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Spot Of Bother

Since my return from holidays I've been tackling a new skin problem - pigmentation. When my face began to tan I developed what looked like birth marks underneath my left eye and spreading across to the bridge of my nose. I'd like to say no one noticed but it looked like a black eye and when I went back to work one person said my face looked 'funny,' just what every girl wants to hear! Bedsides keeping my face well protected from the sun, not that sunshine is a big problem in Ireland, I knew I had to take action.

There are some purse friendly options: apparently applying fresh cream and lemon juice to your face for a few minutes is good,; as is wetting holy basil leaves with lemon juice and leaving them over the dark spots for a while; or applying cucumber juice to your face. I wasn't convinced that putting the contents on my fridge on my face would work so I tracked down a chemical option, but I could find myself literally eating my words yet.

Anew Clinical Lumonosity Pro Brigthenging Serum is apparently an at home alternative to dermatoligists laser. The serum promises to fade dark spots, which is what I'm after and to brighten and retexturise skin. I've been using it for 4 nights - after 3 days it's supposed to begin fading pigmentation. I can't say I've noticed a huge difference. I have learnt that the first night that if you use too much it leaves your skin greasy the next day which is never a good look, those days were reserved for my teenage years only. Oil blotting paper anyone?!?

I'm holding out hope that the pricey serum will work and with just 30mls in it, it would want to work fast. (I got it for €20 on offer.) With our lack of sun I'm also hoping that it comes through on its brightening promise considering the dull summer we've had has left my face looking grey.

From one end of the body to another, feet! Between too high wedges, ridiculous flat sandals and running in humidity, feet can become a little neglected and unsightly. I've started using an African Shea butter foot cream, it smells heavenly but you have to wash your hands after or it gets overpowering. The cream really came through for me after a night breaking in new shoes. Sky high heels and dancing meant the balls of my feet were on fire. I lathered on the cream before catching some zzzz's and I was sorted the next day.

I am having some toe nail varnish issues, my polish has gotten thick and it makes for a painful French manicure. I know I've got to throw it out but I am going to try thinning it with some nail varnish remover first to see if I can get one last go out of it. Fingers crossed I can keep a steady hand pouring it in!

They say beauty is pain and I reminded myself all about that at the weekend. My bikini wax wasn't to my liking so I decided I'd give a go at tidying it up myself. I wasn't long remembering why I go to the beautician to get it done -OUCH. There was brusing and what looked like burst blood capillaries. And the worst part is I only removed like 5 hairs! Disaster. I won't be doing that again.

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